A woman sitting at the table with pills and medicine.

Easily Obtain Essential Medication

StatusWell provides patients with a seamless process of medication access for Type 2 diabetes and weight management, facilitated by the capabilities of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) and individualized health parameters. Our specialized clinicians tailor medication management to each patient's unique health needs, avoiding a "one-size-fits-all" approach. Utilizing CGM and essential health indicators, we determine the safest and most effective medications and dosages.

Convenient Medication Delivery

Through our partnering pharmacy, prescribed medications are conveniently delivered to your doorstep, eliminating the need for waiting in long pharmacy lines. Our pharmacy specialists also collaborate with your insurance provider to ensure seamless coverage.

Available Medications for Type 2 Diabetes and
Weight Management

Our experienced clinicians offer a range of medications tailored to your medical needs. These include GLP-1 agonists, a special class of medications beneficial for both Type 2 Diabetes and weight management.

A person is holding an electric razor in their hand.
A woman is talking to someone in the pharmacy.

How do GLP-1 Medications Work?

GLP-1 medications work by activating GLP-1 receptors in the pancreas. This activation enhances insulin release and reduces glucagon release, contributing to better blood sugar regulation. GLP-1 medications also impact weight management by acting on the gut. This process slows gastric emptying, promoting a prolonged feeling of fullness. Additionally, these medications influence areas of the brain responsible for regulating appetite and calorie intake.

Available GLP-1 Medications

A black and white icon of a pill bottle.

Mounjaro and Zepbound (Tirzepatide)

A heart with an ecg line in it

Ozempic and Wegovy (Semaglutide)

A black and white picture of a tube

Saxenda and Victoza (Liraglutide)

Tailored Medication Approaches

If GLP-1 medications aren't suitable for you, our expert clinicians can prescribe a variety of medications for Type 2 Diabetes and weight management, ensuring a personalized approach to your health needs.