A woman holding her arm up to the side of her body.

Effective Diabetes Management

Discover our comprehensive approach to managing Type 2 Diabetes through Measurement-Based Care (MBC) and real-time monitoring. MBC relies on real-time and frequent monitoring of blood glucose levels, optimizing medical decision-making for enhanced health outcomes. StatusWell employs active monthly remote patient monitoring, obtaining data from CGM devices and utilizing AI-enabled risk tools for data aggregation.

Sophisticated Methodology for Proactive Care

Our clinicians maintain a proactive stance, leveraging precise data to monitor progress, evaluate conditions, and intervene promptly by adjusting medication regimens. Thus, patients benefit from effective diabetes management. Clinicians at StatusWell provide tailored dietary modifications and lifestyle adjustments to enhance overall health outcomes based on individual patient needs.

Take charge of your well-being with our expert team today!

A doctor is pointing to the cross on his screen.